Teleflora's Summertime Splash

Make a summertime splash with a pop art mix of yellow lilies, set against a jumble of hot pink, orange and green flowers and presented in a modern glass cube vase! This vivid bouquet will bring warm-weather fun to someone’s day.

Orange roses and alstroemeria, yellow Asiatic lilies, pink Matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature gerberas and green button spray chrysanthemums – accented with oregonia and solidaster – are delivered in a Teleflora clear glass cube vase.


Dimensions: 9 in × 9 in × 10 in

Upgrade to either our deluxe or premium arrangement options. This means that extra flowers will be added to make the arrangement larger and fuller. You'll be sure to notice the difference!

Grande Flowers ~ 1433 E. Capitol Dr. - Shorewood, WI  53211
414.332.3070 ~


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