Teleflora's Dozen Rose Contempo


A dozen lush red roses, beautifully arranged into an unadorned bouquet, and presented in a clear glass cube vase, is an instant classic. Fragrant, glamorous and communicating the language of love, this gift is a clear token of your affections, and can be sent from a man to a woman – or from a woman to a man. It’s traditional yet modern, and simply perfect.  This product is only available for local delivery.

* A dozen red roses are arranged in a clear glass Teleflora cube vase.

Dimensions: 9 in × 9 in × 8 in

Upgrade to either our deluxe or premium arrangement options. This means that extra flowers will be added to make the arrangement larger and fuller. You'll be sure to notice the difference!

Grande Flowers ~ 1433 E. Capitol Dr. - Shorewood, WI  53211
414.332.3070 ~


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